The effects of EDDHA and Ca on suppression of F. solani and hopbush growth improvement


  • Hamid Alvani pour Ahwaz Shahid Chamran University
  • Reza Farrokhi Nejad
  • Mostafa Chorom


The effect of various levels of soil pH (6, 8) and EDDHA concentrations (0, 10 and 20 mmol/L) on disease severity of F. solani-infested plants was determined. EDDHA significantly (p<0/05) reduced disease severity by F. solani and increased other evaluated characteristics of root at both pH levels. Also F. solani-infested plants grown at pH= 6 and different EDDHA concentrations showed more disease severity andpoorer growth characteristics compared with plants grown at pH= 8.  In other experiments growth of non-infested plants at pH= 6 and different levels of EDDHA was better than that at pH= 8. Study on the effects of calcium and EDDHA on the same characteristics in infested and non-infested soils at  pH 6 showed that the maximum. decrease in disease severity (6.6%) as well as highest growth characteristics were obtained when both EDDHA and Ca were applied together simultaneously. Greatest disease severity and the lowest growth characteristics were observed in the absence of EDDHA and Ca compared to other treatments. Results of the effect of EDDHA concentrations and Ca at soil pH= 8 showed that the growth characteristics increased and disease severity was reduced significantly.

Author Biography

Hamid Alvani pour, Ahwaz Shahid Chamran University

Department of Plant Protection


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