Modeling and optimization of experimental parameters in the treatment of effluents by coagulation-flocculation processes: Methodology of experimental design


  • Hanane hanane Arroub MAROC
  • Ahmed El Harfi Laboratory of Agro Resources, Polymers and Process Engineering (LAPPE). Unit of Organic Chemistry & Polymers (UOCP) Department of Chemistry Faculty of Sciences- Ibn Tofail University BP 133 14000-Kenitra, Morocco



The objective of this study is to determine the optimal conditions of the operational parameters: type of flocculant (chitosan(s) and ferrocryl®8723), dose of flocculant (0.1g/L at 0.5g/L) and pH (6 to 9) in the treatment of hot dip galvanizing effluents using coagulation/flocculation processes. The optimization of these parameters is done by the methodology of experimental design which allowed us to predict the optimal conditions. The concerned results, especially the theoretical operating parameters, allowed us to give a better reduction of the TSS, BOD5 and COD in the optimal conditions namely: the pH of about 9, the type of flocculant is chitosan(s) with a dose of 0.2g/L.

Author Biography

Hanane hanane Arroub, MAROC

Laboratory of Agro Resources, Polymers and Process Engineering (LAPPE).Unit of Organic Chemistry & Polymers (UOCP)Department of ChemistryFaculty of Sciences- Ibn Tofail UniversityBP 133 14000-Kenitra, Morocco


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Organic Chemistry