Numerical simulation of Effect of Contact Pressure on Mechanical Behavior of Gas Diffusion Layers (GDL) and PFSA Membrane Assembly


  • Mohamed Karim Ettouhami University Mohammed V Rabat
  • Adil Atifi University Mohammed V Rabat
  • Hamid Mounir Mohammadia School of Engineers, Mohammed V University of Rabat
  • Yassine Amadane Mohammadia School of Engineers, Mohammed V University of Rabat



In this study, a Finite Element model has been implemented based on numerical modelling simulations to predict the mechanical behaviour of a representative unit of the fuel cell stack. The GDL deformation has been modelled as a combination of elastic deformation and fibres slippage. Mechanical stresses distribution and deformation are presented concerning the previous model work l with nonlinear orthotropic behaviour of the GDL. The results also show that the state of the stresses in the membrane are highly heterogeneous and largely exceed its elastic limit. The results show that the influence of the temperature variation is not significant in generating stresses. However, the influence of the moisture variation is very significant in generating stresses. Therefore, the increase in relative humidity from 30% to 90° % at T=25°C causes an increase in the maximum Von Mises stress of 0.0836MPa.

Author Biographies

Mohamed Karim Ettouhami, University Mohammed V Rabat

Centre de Recherche en Sciences, Technologies de l’Ingénieur et de la Santé, ENSET

Adil Atifi, University Mohammed V Rabat

Centre de Recherche en Sciences, Technologies de l’Ingénieur et de la Santé, ENSET

Hamid Mounir, Mohammadia School of Engineers, Mohammed V University of Rabat

Research Team EMISys, Research Center Engineering 3S

Yassine Amadane, Mohammadia School of Engineers, Mohammed V University of Rabat

Research Team EMISys, Research Center Engineering 3S


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Computational Chemistry